Ko matou to
hoa auaha

Iwi make a significant contribution to New Zealand's economy through the ownership of important assets that support our communities, our environment and our people.

At iceberg we’ve worked hard to forge strong relationships with iwi by understanding Māori values and ethos, including an appreciation of joint decision-making; essential for creating meaningful work. We've been priviledged to work with many iwi throughout New Zealand.

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Te Wānanga o Aotearoa logo Tainui Group Holdings logo Ngāi Tahu logo
How we can help

Change perceptions of your organisation

"As an iwi owned commercial entity our brand review required an approach that would ensure the end result was an authentic representation of who we are as Waikato iwi.

To achieve that we needed a comprehensive and robust process to ensure iwi perspectives were heard, understood and adopted, and an agency that could apply this whakaaro in a commercial context. The brand that the Iceberg team, together with their cultural advisor Rewi Spraggon, have produced is unanimously endorsed by our iwi advisory roopu. It is outstanding."

Chris Joblin
CEO Tainui Group Holdings

Read the case study

Tainui Group Holdings T-shirt
How we can help

Build a brand and attract a new audience

"We needed a design partner who could complement our cultural competency, traditional design approach and innate passion with structure, technical professionalism and high-end execution experience. Thankfully, iceberg delivered on all of the above."

Hone Paul
Tumukahuroa, Executive Director Marketing, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa

Read the case study

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa website homepage
How we can help

Launch and sell your product

"Our wish from the beginning was for Kerepeti to not be like every other housing development. It has a story that is underpinned by the values of Ngāi Tahu Property and our JV partners. From our very first meeting, iceberg understood this and helped us bring this story to life through various touchpoints including the visual identity, collateral and advertising. Working with iceberg has felt like a true partnership, they understood our vision and together we have delivered a project we can all be proud of."

Geri Kerr
Marketing and Communications Manager, Ngāi Tahu Property

Read the case study

photo of Kerepeti display suite